Changing Format

1. Eject Tape

2. Press "SET UP" (on keypad - above the 8 key)

3. Press F4 - "SYSTEM"

4. Press and hold the F key and while holding press F1 (FREQ)

5. Cursor up or down for Frequency Selection

6. Press and hold BS and while holding press ENT (Yellow key)

7. Select Line Rate (1080i, 525I etc.)

8. Press and hold BS and while holding press ENT (Yellow key)

9. Select Down Converter (If the machine has one, if not skip to step 11)

10. Press and hold BS and while holding press ENT (Yellow key)

11. Set Audio to 4CH or 8 CH with cursor. You must select 8CH to play a tape that has 8CH of oudio. Even video will not work if 4CH is selected. Do not record 8CH unless you need it. (If the option is not aplicable skip to step 13)

12. Press and hold BS and while holding press ENT (Yellow key)

13. Press HOME


Set up Video In:


Select Internal Gignal Generator or DIGITA for tape playback

Set up audio in:

Press AUDIO IN on keypad

Press PCM and change audio Channels for record



A tape recorded with 8CH of audio will not play on HD2000 D5 machine.

If Channel condition VIDEO and AUDIO are Red while playing the tape and a number 4 is flashing eject tape, push and turn "C" button on the tape vertically.

If TAPE is flashing, the player is in the wrong format. Eject tape and change as described above.